пятница, 15 апреля 2016 г.

Inglourious Basterds

I know, perhaps, I am a bit obsolete.. but till this night I had never seen that movie. And.. I've realized that it was one of the biggest mistakes of my life!

Inglourious Basterds is an outstanding movie!

I even cannot tell what exactly I liked the most. I have nothing but praise!

 Above all, I must admit - Tarantino is incredibly gifted screenwriter and director! Judging by Basterds he put a lot of efforts in writing the screenplay. His holistic and meticulous approach is noticeable. It is hard to imagine how much time did he spend on writing the script.

 When it comes to the cast, I am full of praise for Christoph Waltz, who was magnificent as Hans Landa. Undoubtedly, he is extremely talented actor! And no wonder that he won a lot of praises for this role. The character made by him was precise, convincing, sparkling! It was such a pleasure to see him playing despite the fact that his character was negative one.

 Also, I cannot dismiss a role of Brad Pitt! It goes without saying, that he did a great job as well, however, the most striking for me was his his accent! Adorable! If I hadn't heard any American speaking, I would have thought that this is how all Americans are talking!

 Of course, all the cast did an amazing job! All actors were on their places. I mean that I cannot imagine other actors in these roles. Perhaps, it is a merit of the director too, who did all right.

 Generally speaking, the plot is intriguing, provoking an interest, carrying viewers with it. During the movie I was wondering – what is going to happen next? So the film captured all my attention. I even was afraid of breathing to not miss any important details. And in the end, I stood up and gave a big clap as a sign of respect to the crew, to the outstanding movie!

 I was not focus on historical, moral or whatever aspect of the story. I watched it as a story which was made up by one genius.

I hope, I inspired you to see the film! Believe me, it is worth it!

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